Monday, June 2, 2014

Connect MongoDB with nodeJS

In following example will explain the how to make connection nodeJS with mongodb.
  • create directory connectdb
  • first create package.json file inside the connectdb directory and add following content. then cd to connectdb directory and install dependancy by using npm install command
  • In this file contains dependency modules. 
  • cd to connectdb directory and enter following command then dependency modules will be installed 
       npm install 
  • Then create server.js/ app.js file.To run nodejs application run this server.js file. This is the entry point for the application.

Create car module
Create routes/cars.js file. This contains car related code.
  You can get code from following link

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Reset Ubuntu Network interface ethX to eth0

 Reset Ubuntu Network interface ethX to eth0

clear the content of following file 


Then Restart the System. :)